5 Podcasts for People in Recovery

This week I wanted to share a list of podcasts for people in recovery. If this describes you, you know that getting and staying sober is not transactional. It takes ongoing effort. Adding a podcast or two to your regular listening schedule is a great tool to help you strengthen your recovery. I’ve shared a few here and there, but today I wanted to give you a list with a few more to let you pick and choose what works for you.

Recovery Elevator

Hosted by fellow Chapman University Alum Paul Churchill, the Recovery Elevator podcast explores stories and challenges of alcohol-free living. Here’s how Paul describes his podcast: 

“Here’s an idea. When you’re a closet alcoholic who’s quit drinking more times than you can count, start a podcast to hold yourself accountable as publicly as possible. Share your struggles, your triumphs, and every lesson you’re learning along the way. While you’re at it, invite others to share their stories of addiction and recovery so that you can learn from them and be reminded: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Getting sober is just the beginning. Staying sober, and then becoming the person I know I’m meant to be is the real adventure. Join me?”

With episode titles like, “A Case of the Fuck Its” and “Swapped the Booze for your Smartphone?” Paul addresses real challenges that I and others in recovery face every day. 

You can learn more about the podcast and all the other great work Recovery Elevator is doing by visiting www.recoveryelevator.com

That Sober Guy Podcast

That Sober Guy Podcast has been one of the top sober podcasts since 2014. Their message is simple: We Help People Stay Sober. Boom! The host, Shane Ramer covers a really wide variety of topics. There are some really practical episodes like “11 Best Non-Alcoholic Drinks to Order at Weddings, Events & Parties” and “5 Ways to Stay Sober & Lessen the Stress at Christmas”. Then there are more emotional topics such as “Gratitude and Fear Can’t Occupy the Same Space with Rob Waggener” and “Being at Ease with Myself Just as I am.”

You can learn more about That Sober Guy Podcast by visiting https://www.thatsoberguy.com/

She Recovers

The SHE RECOVERS® Podcast is a collection of audio posts, interviews and recorded talks specially curated for the SHE RECOVERS® Community. The foundations is described as: 

“The SHE RECOVERS® Foundation is a grassroots movement and non-profit public charity with a community of women in or seeking recovery from substance use disorders, other behavioral health issues and/or life challenges.”

This podcasts covers some really important topics, but sometimes overlooked topics that are important for people in recovery, such as intergenerational trauma, racism in recovery, and dealing with loss such as death of a loved one or divorce. 

You can check out the She Recovers podcast by visiting https://sherecovers.org/podcast/

Love Sober

This podcast is hosted by Kate & Mandy, two brits who share a variety of topics for the sober and sober curious. They describe their podcast as “Two mums and sober sisters, having the chat about reasons to love sober.”

With a more lighthearted approach, Kate & Mandy make recovery conversations that are relatable and sometimes fun. You can learn more about the Love Sober podcast at www.lovesober.com

The Addictionary Podcast

The Addictionary Podcast is hosted by Maegan Kenney. She describes the podcast as “A female-led unconventional and uncensored podcast about addiction, mental health, spirituality, holistic health, and more!” 

I was fortunate to be interviewed by Meagan for her podcast in Episode #188: Rhythm is a Dancer. You can check it out HERE. And…..Maegan will be a guest on a summit that I am hosting in January, just for people in recovery. So stay tuned!

You can help The Addictionary Podcast build their YouTube channel and subscribe by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/theaddictionarypodcast. You can also find them on Stitcher.

What’s Next

In January, I’ll be hosting the Stress Elimination Summit: Recovery Edition, to help stressed-out people in recovery prevent relapse by dealing with the stress and trauma in their life. Because let’s face it, most of us have been dealing with some extra stress lately. We’ll have a wide range of experts sharing about all kinds of things like breath, meditation, food, dealing with trauma, and more!  I’ll be sharing more about how you can register for this event soon. 

But you might have some stress you’re dealing with RIGHT NOW that you need help with. So, if you’d like some tips to help you deal with the stress in your life and prevent relapse, I’ve created a Music In Recovery Guide that’ll give you just a few ways you can stop stress in its tracks…using music! You can get a copy HERE

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