Everlasting Love episode title art

Ep 82 – NEW TRACK: “Everlasting Love”

Today’s track is an adaptation of a hymn that I wrote way back during my 20s. It’s original title was “His Love is Everlasting,” but I changed the title to “Everlasting Love.” It better matches my current relationship to my spirituality, which doesn’t include a male paternal figure. It’s more like an ever present, all encompassing energy of conscious love, which the entire universe is an expression of.  It exists at a level we can’t comprehend, in the way a cell in my leg may not be comprehending what I’m writing.  Love is the eternal, unifying energy I will never be turned away from. At the source of it all, waiting for me in all moments to sink into it, is love.

For the Relaxation Vacation: www.sonicrecovery.com

For our Sponsor: www.drneecie.com

Cooling Down cover art

Ep 81 – Cooling Down w/ Josephine Worseck

Cooling down is something that we’ve all needed to do from time to time both physically and mentally. This episode is an excerpt from my Reduce Your Stress Summit I hosted in August. I’ve been practicing cold showers and breathwork for a couple of years now which are two of the pillars of the teachings of a gentleman named Wim Hof. He’s quite a character, but his techniques are validated and results are amazing. I interviewed one of his chief trainers, Dr. Josephine Worseck about the benefits of cooling down via cold exposure for stress reduction. You’re going to be fascinated, because the science is NOT intuitive.

For the Relaxation Vacation: www.sonicrecovery.com

For our Sponsor: www.drneecie.com

Hero podcast episode title art

Ep 80 – NEW TRACK: “Hero”

Thinking about all the different costumes that kids would be wearing for this tradition got me thinking about the roles they play in society. The Hero archetype is definitely one of the more prominent roles and I thought about how important this concept is. What is it like for a kid to have one in their life? What is it like for a kid to BE one in someone else’s life? Many adults cast aside Halloween costumes at some point (not me, I’m still a total kid at heart), but let me ask you… do you still have heroes in your life… someone that inspires you to be the best version of yourself you can be? Are you a hero to someone in your life? Get this… you may be a hero to someone and you don’t even know it. Just by being the best version of you that you can be can inspire those around you to do the same.

So this week’s new track was written with that in mind… I wanted to create a track that is uplifting, inspiring, and hopeful, which are three things that a hero provides me.

For the Relaxation Vacation: www.sonicrecovery.com

For our Sponsor: www.drneecie.com

Sound Healing episode art

Ep 79: Sound Healing w/ David Sonnenschein

In this episode I have the pleasure of interviewing David Sonnenschein about the intersection of sound, sound healing, music, games, and learning. David is a Sound designer, filmmaker, game developer, musician, sound healer, audio consultant, and author of international textbook, “Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema.” He’s currently CEO of edtech company iQsonics based in Santa Monica CA, creating services and products that utilize music and audio for brain health. Their flagship program is called SING AND SPEAK 4 KIDS. It’s a music-based game for supporting language development in Early Childhood Education for the autism population and English Language Learners, funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research). David has a BA in Neuroscience/Music from UCSD,  and an MFA inCinema/TV from USC. We trace his journey from music student to music healer and learn some powerful things about why music and sound healing are so powerful for our mood management.

Learn more at https://iqsonics.com/

For the Relaxation Vacation: www.sonicrecovery.com

For our Sponsor: www.drneecie.com

Title art for episode 78

Ep 78 – NEW TRACK: “Tenderness”

I told you in episode 76 about my ketamine treatment for depression that I’m currently undergoing. I’m midway through the treatment at the moment. One thing that seems to happen is that a theme or a message comes out of each session. This past session, the theme was affection. For those that don’t know, my wife and I married in 2003. We’re now in that time frame of life with school age kids where it seems like we just run from day to day to keep up with them, the house and our two businesses. As a consequence, I’ve come down with a case of affection atrophy. That’s when you’re so busy ‘doing all the things’ you forget to keep some of that original spark or flame alive in your marriage. I was scheduled to go into the studio to record immediately after the ketamine session, so the topic of affection was top of mind. For me, the term tenderness is related to affection. I sat down with my classical guitar and thought, “what would tenderness or affection SOUND like as a lullaby?” Here’s what came out of my fingers.

For the Relaxation Vacation: www.sonicrecovery.com

For our Sponsor: www.drneecie.com