Top 5 Relaxation Apps

We are all under extreme amounts of stress right now, whether it is societal stress, family stress, financial stress, stress about your health, kids doing online school….there is no shortage of stuff to stress us out right now.  According to The American Institute of Stress: About 33 percent of people report feeling extreme stress 77 […]

Music vs. Nature

When feeling stressed and anxious, I find there are two things that soothe me best.   Music Nature You have heard me talk about music before, so today I thought I’d share a little about why nature can be an important part of your self-care.  I recently came across an article that talked about the benefits […]

Reality Check

It’s been a tough week. I’ve got a GREAT podcast review of an amazing podcast to share, but it feels TONE DEAF in light of everything happening around us, so it can wait. When I first heard the news about George Floyd, there was a “pain echo” inside of me… my immediate thought was “Oh […]

The Perils of Being a Healthcare Professional in Recovery Amid COVID-19

Few are immune to the pressure and stress of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, but there is one cohort of workers that are facing a unique and potentially dangerous situation, but not in ways you think. They are healthcare professionals in recovery from addiction.  Healthcare professionals have a reputation for being the worst patients. They focus […]