What does it mean to be S.O.B.E.R.? – E: Escape Stressors

Last week, I shared about the “B” in SOBER. If you missed it, you can check it out HERE. This week, we cover the “E” which stands for “Escape Stressors.” E = Escape Stressors Clinical Outcome: “Clients will engage in two types of music-based relaxation techniques to increase healthy coping skills.”  That may be what […]

Conducting Your Present

“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar “Hygiene: noun. conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.” I think about hygiene as a rhythm for health, since a rhythm is just a repeated pattern of behavior. So, if […]

Composing Your Future

Living Into The Future Last week’s blog post was all about completing the past. This week, it’s time to talk about composing the future. “It’s the future we’re living into that gives us being in the present.” – Introduction to the Landmark Forum. I remember either reading that quote or hearing it back in roughly […]